
November 25, 2016

Wind delays South African grape shipments

The Namibian and early South African grape harvests are well under way and producers are looking at a very empty European market currently, which should transfer into good returns for producers. There have been some reports […]
November 24, 2016

SA maize farmers expected to plant more than last season

Favourable weather conditions expected to encourage farmers to plant more. South African farmers intend to plant 35 percent more hectares of maize than last season as improved weather conditions encourage them to sow, a Reuters poll […]
November 22, 2016

RSA breaks soft citrus record

A record volume of 12.2m cartons of soft citrus, around 183,000 tonnes, were packed for export this year by the South African citrus industry, some 1m cartons more than original seasonal estimates. Satsumas reached 1.9m cartons compared […]
November 14, 2016

Integrated food security in Africa

To enhance sustainable food security, access to credible and usable information is vitally important. This was the focus of a recent conference on Integrated Food Security in Africa, organised by the African Centre of Excellence for […]