
May 13, 2019

SA agriculture sector coping with challenges

South Africa’s agricultural sector remains resilient, but needs to learn how to cope with challenges such as drought and policy uncertainty, First National Bank (FNB) senior agricultural economist Paul Makube said on Monday. “However, the industry […]
October 14, 2018

Climate change expected to impact our crop yield

More heatwaves and very hot days, bringing further drought to southern and North Africa. Crop yield and livestock production hammered. That’s the grim outlook sketched by a monumental new assessment by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on […]
May 7, 2018

Feed problems for Western Cape livestock producers

Livestock producers in the Western Cape are facing numerous challenges around fodder flow, say industry experts.
December 14, 2017

How climate change will affect our food

Experts link climate change to a wide, and alarming, range of changes on Earth, including your dinner plate. That’s because rising global temperatures are already affecting the world’s food supply, shifting production of some popular items, […]